
in numbers

Annual sales

270 million euros

Number of employees

over 1.500

Paper consumption per week

4.800 tons

Number of locations


Number of countries


The Euro-Druckservice GmbH (eds.group), located in Passau, is a leading printshop network in Middle and East Europe. The concern holds shares in printeries in Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Romania.

  • founded in 1992
  • 1.400 employees, 8 locations
  • printshops in 5 countries: D, CZ, PL, H, RO
  • annual sales about 300 million euros
  • processing of about 295.000 tons of paper annually
  • core business: web offset
  • focus on commercial inserts (at 4 locations)
  • publishing products (at 2 locations)
  • web offset (at 2 locations)
  • customer structure: industry, publishers, commercial printing

Robert Vukelić